Redecentralize the Internet

“Every new medium (read: technology) has four sets of effects, he said, which can be best discovered in answers to four questions:

  1. What does the medium enhance
  2. What does the medium make obsolete?
  3. What does the medium retrieve that had been obsolesced earlier? 
  4. What does the medium reverse, or flip into, when pushed to extremes?”

—McLuhan, Marshall quoted in Searls, Doc. “The Actually Distributed Web.” Linux Journal. August 8, 2017.

Interesting argument that decentralized protocols integrated with blockchains are more efficient than centralized systems and have the potential to undermine the platforms of the major Internet fiefdoms of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. I am not sure I believe that this is likely to happen, but it is a refreshing change from the doom and gloom of many technology discussions these days.

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