2018 Experiment: Ketogenic Diet

Background: A ketogenic diet is centered on fat as the main source of calories. While approaches vary, it typically involves getting >66% of total calories from fat, a gram of protein for every kilogram of weight, and minimizing carbohydrates to the degree possible, which means absolutely less than 50 grams and ideally, less than 20 grams. There have been studies done that support this approach, and there are books and articles on the Internet that explain the ketogenic diet in great detail.

I have been following a ketogenic diet since November 1, 2017. I lost 10 pounds in two months. I plan on continuing a ketogenic diet, with some reasonable flexiblity, through 2018.

Methods: The goal is to eat 70% fat, 20% protein, and as few carbs as possible. To get this high level of fat, I put coconut oil in coffee, drink coconut milk and add olive oil to food. Protein is mostly from tofu, egg whites, some seafood, and protein powder in water. Throw in some nuts and green leafy vegetables, and you have most of your calories for the day.

When feasible, I’ll use the Fitbit site to track macronutrients like fat since they have a nice database or products where you can scan the barcode of packaged food and get nutritional information.

A common problem with the ketogenic diet is low fiber intake. I am supplementing with whole flake psyllium, avoiding products like Metamucil since they have added sugar to make it more palatable. I’ve found just gulping a lot of water along with the psyllium mixed with water works fine to get the mixture down.

I will consider the diet a success if I can get my weight down a total of thirty pounds and keep my average weight below that level for the remainder of the year.

Results: I’ll do a quarterly review of my progress.

Discussion: TBD.

Conclusions: TBD.

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